Copywriting Content

Write amazing copies for your website, social media posts and article content

See What DFS Can Do.

Online copywriting, blogging, SEO and content marketing strategies change slightly (or maybe not so slightly) with every Google algorithm update, and we stay on top of them all.

Several of TCF’s blogs rank #1 in Google’s search engine results pages for keywords that convert well, generating $300k in organic traffic to our site on an annual basis. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk – and we’ll do our best to get similar results for your website.

Our Staff Of Full-Time Writers Have Bylines At Places Like The Huffington Post, Investopedia, The Chicago Tribune And Business Insider.

Try not to stumble over all of the names we just dropped – we just wanted to let you know that your content is in very good hands.

We know how to write content that fuels SEO efforts, and have case studies for businesses ranging for national brands and tech startups. This isn’t our first rodeo, and you’ll be able to tell by the copy we produce.

Conversion Optimization

Your website is the digital version of a brick-and-mortar store, and your website copy is your silent salesman.

How’s that sales guy doing? Is he converting lots of traffic and bringing you a ton of business, or is he yelling at potential customers like a carnival barker and scaring everyone away? Conversion optimization isn’t a specific service that we offer, because it’s something we focus on with every piece of content that we write. It’s something that a lot of web content is missing.

Landing Pages

Perfect landing page copy brings a horse to water and makes it drink.

We’re not trying to call your customers livestock, but we’ll herd them just the same. Whether you want prospects to contact you for more information, opt-in to your newsletter or go check out your Facebook page, we write our landing pages with your goals in mind. There’s a method to writing landing pages that convert without being overly salesy or reeking of desperation. If it were patentable, we would’ve put in the paperwork years ago.

Infographic Design

Our infographic design rates include concept generation, design, all copy and as many edits as necessary to get the job done.

Once you’ve approved everything and the infographic is live on your site, we distribute it to media contacts and bloggers in your industry and encourage them to repost it (with a link back to your site, of course). We even include an HTML repost code that makes it easier for people to share your shiny new infographic.

Blog Posts That Generate Organic Traffic

If you want people to find your site via sea.

And if you need SEO, you need content. And if you need content, you need blog posts. Oh hey, that’s our thing! The Content Factory was founded on our web content writing and blogging skills, and we write thousands of blogs every year for all types of businesses and nonprofits. No matter what your goals are, we can engineer content that will help you achieve them.

Ready To Boost Your Organic Search Traffic?

Your website is the digital version of a brick-and-mortar store, and your website copy is your silent salesman.

Whether you want to get on the radar of bigger companies in hopes of a buyout offer, position yourself as an expert in your industry or educate your consumer base, we can do it – Rosie the Riveter style.

We’ll work with you to determine the best blogging and content marketing strategies, map out a course of action and then get to writing. We’ll publish each post in WordPress along with an image, and we’ll incorporate multiple SEO keywords, though you’ll never be able to tell.

Contact us today to drive targeted traffic, leads and sales.

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